Many people are faced with anxiety, stress and depression because of the way they process things. Many people inherited bipolar depression, but my focus in this book is not hereditary-based depression but stress-related depression.
A man caught stealing in a shop did not just commit that crime from a single thought. It might have been a habit he learnt or cultivated from childhood. The crime began with one thought, which his brain interpreted and his actions imitated until it became a habit. A person may start stealing gradually from the home or even at work. If the problem is not addressed, it will grow and become a habit. If it worsens and that habit goes public and the person is caught, s(he) may start blaming other things or people.
Like many other habits people engage in, it always begins from our thoughts to action until that habit becomes a stronghold that is difficult to extirpate.
When dealing with emotions like stress, anger, and anxiety, we need to identify what triggers them and the steps that must be taken to avoid those triggers. We need to be aware of these thoughts and eliminate them from the very beginning. I will encourage you to guard your heart with all diligence and also watch your thoughts from it flow through the springs of life.