I empower, uplift, engage and support women who desire a balanced lifestyle

Hi, I am Marie Ylimäki
Marie Ylimaki is a wife and mother of three adorable kids.
She is a passionate transformational life coach that promotes sound mental health, purposeful existence, driving women to recognise the leadership in them and helping them reach their utmost potential, wellbeing and a balanced life.

She is also the author of Healing Storehouse Unlocking Soul Gate where she uses both conventional and non conventional methods and applications for true healing of the spirit soul and body.
A transformational life coach who help women become the best version of themselves through the application of knowledge, motivations, accountability, planning which support them discover their true identity and authentic self, navigating them into their purpose of existence with a sound mind, shifting their perspective to expand their capacity and confidence to achieving higher level of success driving them reach their utmost potential, wellbeing and a balanced life.

As a transformational life coach, we help create a safe space for women to experience a deep life transformation with a solid foundation on mindset transformation and spiritual growth, enabling them to work in their authentic selves, bringing out the leadership in them and also in the healing of their spirit, soul and body, resulting in living a purposeful and balanced life.
Our coaching signature program helps empower women shift from the wrong paradigm of limiting belief patterns to self identity, self discovery, self worth, mastering self confidence, stepping into their power, finding their voices and demanding power thus, gaining respect and living a purpose driven life.

Marie Ylimäki is the founder and CEO of Healing StoreHouse. She is a spiritual mentor and a minister of God operating in the healing and deliverance, ministry.
She is a visionary of Women of Destiny Intercessors (WODI). A virtual platform for intercession where women connect for mentorship and prayers.
Do you sometimes ask yourself—WHY ME?
There will come times in our lives where it seems like the harder we try to solve our problems, the worse it becomes. Sometimes, we find ourselves in situations with no way out. For many years, I was in that situation and it really seemed like there was no escape for me. No matter how hard I tried, nothing worked until the Lord came to my rescue. Maybe:
You are stuck in a situation and you have done all you could, but things remained the same.
- You are stressed up at work, school, or at home.
- You often feel overwhelmed with life’s situations.
- You sometimes ask yourself why every relationship you get into always ends up failing.
- You struggle with anger, anxiety and panic attacks.
- You struggle managing your thought pattern and challenging yourself to change from a wrong belief pattern.
- You can’t control your fear over things present and the unknown.
- You find it challenging to have an intimate relationship with God.
- You often wonder where to get the right support when you’re in distress.
If you relate to any of the above questions, then the right help is here. In this signature program, I shared different strategies that have helped me and many others overcome distress and life challenges indefinitely. The solution you are looking for is very close to you. All you need is to implement it.
If you want to change your life, find your purpose and begin your journey to a stress-free life. This is where to start.

Feeling Stuck?
Get in touch for a free consultation call and we will help you discover your true identity and be your authentic self.
Learn how to become a woman of impact